Should you cancel an insurance policy? Read this first.
Have you been wondering whether to cancel an insurance policy? Don’t make a hasty decision. Make an informed one.
I recently received a letter from Mike* telling us that he wanted to cancel insurance for his OnePath Major Medical policy. It was noted on his file that he had leukaemia, so that raised alarm bells for me, as I knew that if he cancelled his insurance, he wouldn’t be able to get cover for his condition again.
So I gave Mike a call. Mike told me that he had been treated for his leukaemia in a public hospital so he didn’t think he could make a claim. He felt that he was paying too much for his insurance and would unlikely see any return on his premiums, and had the idea to cancel his insurance. After a bad insurance experience after the Christchurch earthquake, he had lost all trust in insurance companies. After finding out more about Mike, it became clear that he was in fact entitled to claim for a ‘Public Hospital Cash Grant’ under his policy, due to the amount of time he had recently spent in hospital. I also found out that Mike had given up smoking over two years ago, but he had continued to pay smokers’ rates on his policy.
Mike was surprised and extremely grateful I had made him aware of this and that I wanted to help him get what he was entitled to. He quickly made the smart decision to keep his valuable insurance cover in place. Not only did we pay his claim, we also lowered his insurance premiums because he no longer smokes. Mike couldn’t believe it! I was so glad I could help.”
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At OnePath we always want to ensure our customers are getting the most from their insurance policy. Our aim is to work with you, our advisers, to educate customers about the benefits they are entitled to and the important things to consider when making any changes to their insurance cover. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch for a chat if you would like to know more about the resources we have available, or if you’re wondering if you should cancel a particular insurance policy.
*This customer’s name has been changed to protect his privacy.
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