Why You Need Insurance: The Risk Is Real
What is the working life* risk you run of death, temporary disability, or total and permanent disability?
Are you aware of the real risk you face during your working life? From the possibility of death or disability to critical illness or temporary incapacity, these risks can have profound implications for you and your loved ones. According to data from NZ Life Tables, Davies Financial, and Actuarial from 2013 (outlined below), the figures reveal startling statistics.
What are the risks?
For non-smokers, the risk of death ranges from 7% to 11% for females and males, respectively. The risk of becoming totally and permanently disabled is around 4% to 5%. Additionally, the likelihood of suffering a critical illness or temporary disability is significant, ranging from 10% to 16% and 10% to 11%, respectively.
Now, consider the increased risks for smokers. The likelihood of death jumps to 13% to 20% for females and males, respectively, while the chances of critical illness or temporary disability soar to as high as 29% and 17%, respectively.
These figures underscore the importance of safeguarding your financial future with the right insurance coverage. Understanding these risks can empower you to make informed decisions to protect yourself and your family or partner. Reach out to me today for a personalised insurance quote tailored to your needs and circumstances.
Risk of one person…. | Just you? (Male) |
Just you? (Female) | A Couple? | Four Business Partners |
Dying | 11% | 7% | 17% | 31% |
Becoming totally and permanently disabled | 4% | 5% | 9% | 18% |
Suffering a critical illness | 16% | 10% | 25% | 43% |
Becoming temporarily disabled** | 10% | 11% | 27% | 46% |
Risk of one person…. | Just you? (Male) | Just you? (Female) | A Couple? | Four Business Partners |
Dying | 20% | 13% | 31% | 53% |
Becoming totally and permanently disabled | 4% | 5% | 9% | 17% |
Suffering a critical illness | 29% | 23% | 46% | 71% |
Becoming temporarily disabled | 9% | 17% | 25% | 43% |
*Working life is age 18 – 65. Source: NZ Life Tables, Davies Financial and Actuarial, 2013.
**Temporarily disabled meaning unable to work for six months.
Please have a look at the real risks for your circumstances then call, email or text me to get a quote for some insurance for you and your family.
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